
You like to play games, right? Then you are in luck. We have games to play. Big games, small games, long games, and quick games. We have card games, dice games, board games and tables to host role-playing games. We’ll have games scheduled throughout the convention hosted by folks like our friendly, local Royal Manticoran Navy who want to share their love of gaming with you. We will also have a great library of games for you to choose from, just add players. And don’t forget that we’re always happy to (try to) help you learn something new.

We will be following the convention’s COVID policies so remember your mask or pick one up from the Info Desk or Registration and wear it at all times. To help promote safe distancing and mask wearing, there will be absolutely no food or drink in the gaming space as well as no moving of tables or chairs. Hand sanitizer will be available at the gaming desk. We ask that you use this any time you handle games from the library. Help us keep everyone healthy while having fun. Be smart, be kind, be safe!

We will have shortened hours this year. An announcement will be made approximately 15 minutes before we close so everyone can wrap up their games.

Thursday 5pm – Midnight
Friday and Saturday 10am – Midnight
Sunday 10am – 2pm