Edition of Goat Droppings is Out!

Greetings Members of Phandemonium!

We’re extremely excited about Capricon 37 which is coming up in just a few weeks! We’ve put together an edition of Goat Droppings for you that will give you a preview of some of the fun we have planned. There’s info on programming, special events, how to volunteer, our annual book and food drives, and information about the Board of Directors. There is also, of course, our Out-of-CONtext quotes for your amusement.

You can download the PDF here:


A really important thing to know – we have EXTENDED PRE-REGISTRATION until tomorrow, January 31, 2017. If you haven’t bought your membership yet, please do so! It will be cheaper than at the door, and the more that are purchased pre-convention, the easier it is for us to plan things.

You can go here to register: https://www.capricon.org/capricon40/capricon37/registration/

We’ll see you on February 16 at Capricon!

Capricious and the Capricon 37 Convention Committee


Capricious the Goat wearing the Capricon 36 Con Com shirt.

Rates, programming, gaming, oh my!

Wow this is a busy time for Capricon! Here are just a few items of importance that have short times left on them!

The rate for a four day membership goes up on November 1st! Head over to the registration website in order to get your membership now.

Gaming wants to hear from you! What games would you like to see at Capricon this year? Take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NLPK23N

Are you interested in being a game master? Please email gaming@capricon.org with your interest.

Would you like to be on programing this year? Have panel ideas? Fill out the programming participant survey today! Survey closes October 22nd. We would love for teens, tweens, and young adults to participate as well!

In order to reach the program participant survey, you must log into your Capricon account. Once there, you will see a link for the survey.

If you just wish to submit an idea for programming, the link seen before logging in titled “Submit a Program Panel Idea” is the route to take.