Other Conventions
Don't see your favorite convention listed? Contact our webmistress and request a listing!
- Archon - Collinsville, IL
- Anthrocon - Philadelphia, PA
- Arisia - Boston, MA
- Astronomicon - Rochester, NY
- Conclave - Lansing, MI
- Confusion - Troy, MI
- Congenial - Racine, WI
- Duckon Naperville, IL
- Flatcon - Illinois Wesleyan University
- Fencon - Dallas, TX
- InConJunction - Indianapolis, IN
- Marscon - Bloomington, MN
- Marcon - Columbus, OH
- Midwest Fannish Conventions, Inc.
- Midwest Furfest - Schaumburg, IL
- Minicon - Minneapolis, MN
- Odyssey Con - Madison, WI
- OryCon - Portland, OR
- OVFF - Dublin, OH
- StarbaseIndy - Indianapolis, IN
- VCON - Burnaby, Canada
- WindyCon - Lombard, IL
- Worldcon (location Varies)
Organizations of Note
Ditto on the "if you don't see your favorite..."
Want your event listed? Send requests and bribes to our webmistress! (chocolate and flowers are always
a nice choice... although hard to e-mail!)
 : |
Please remember we have a new Campground! We will be camping at the lovely
Westin Chicago North Shore
Located at:
601 North Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling, IL 60090
Visit our Hotel page for more information.